Atlas - Injection Tracker

Free (Closed Beta)

A mobile application developed at UCSF that improves tracking of spinal injection outcomes.

Local and Remote Notifications

Receive notifications whenever your surveys are due. No internet connection required.

Reschedule surveys

Either take the surveys at the intended time or 5-10 minutes whenever it is convenient.

Chat with your researcher

Realtime chat that enables you to speak with your researcher about any issues.

Clean progress tracker

View pain scores graphed over time in a simple and clean visual.

Keep local data even when logged out

Pain scores remain on device unless the app is deleted.

Browse overviews of your submissions

View responses to previous results in a user-friendly interface even when offline.

Suggestion Box

Experiencing a persisting issue? Want to suggest a feature? Open an issue in the feedback box (located in settings).

Built with native Swift UIKit

Written in 100% Swift and is built to support both iPhone and iPad.

Frequent updates and improvement

We are working to make the app better every iteration, however, do expect bugs in the closed beta.